Friday, 2 September 2016

Mark Zuckerbergs Visit to Nigeria & Kenya

Beats me why most are so petty. Petty over things that have no relevance to their wellbeing. Why would anyone want to talk of a billionaire's attire when visiting Africa? A case in point is Mark Zuckerberg’s image portrayal in Nigeria and Kenya, a T-shirt & jeans guy, and how humble he is etc. etc.... For me it's neither here nor there, for heaven's sake he is a tech guy, it is his prerogative to wear what he feels comfortable with, but to converse on his attire is so shallow.
The conversation should be, why Zambia was not on his calendar? Again, missed opportunities for the unemployed youthful entrepreneurial software engineers whose product innovations will never see the light of day for lack of a market or funding.
Our friends in Kenya and Nigeria are well ahead of the game, they keep their ears on the ground, they advocate, they run, and it is survival! They vent "if you are not vocal you will die local".
Kenyan's are generally tech savvy, their commerce is driven by technology (pioneers of mobile transfer money) whereas in Zambia our IT policy is dodgy it does not inspire software development.
Stakeholders would rather buy and re-sell software produced in other countries; the result, missed opportunities like Marks visit. Obviously, the successful developers in Kenya and Nigeria will be considered for lucrative deals, thus enhancing their country's profile as the bedrocks of technology in Africa.
Zambia is not short of brains, we have misplaced priorities.
Imagine, why one would ask Mark to come to Zambia to come and eat ifinkubala, ba khoswe, chipampila etc. and then continue to compliment his dressing of his t-shirt, when what we should be asking is how we can attract the likes of the Marks to Zambia for the mutual benefit.
Life is not all about comedy and politics, can we start asking the right questions and having the right conversations, this business as usual approach is frightening.

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